Showing posts with label increases. Show all posts
Showing posts with label increases. Show all posts

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Steam injection increases MPG and HP

!: Steam injection increases MPG and HP

A few years ago I read about WW2 fighter. Most of what was covered mph, ceiling limitations (how high they could fly), the rates of climb and other objects, which is connected to the horse. A big boost in power was achieved by injecting water.

Water injection allows advanced timing without detonation, also called a ping. Explosion of an engine, but to destroy, by water injection was the flame slows down, as is theCases with an octane number increase, and the fuel was completely burned as an increase in performance through more efficient use of the same amount of fuel.

After driving racing cars professionally and maintaining them for eleven others involved with my company, I knew the benefits of water injection and a modified version was the car for drag racing and road racing with much success. In drag racing is the goal of maximum return for a relatively shortDuration, but in road racing, you need maximum power and increased fuel consumption, including particularly for endurance type races, the race multi-hour for eight, ten, twelve or more hours. The smaller number of pit stops, the more you go over a certain period of time.

The article (s) I have read several pages and included the increased power and benefits of these increases in detail. At that moment, and until recently, very few people overinterested in fuel consumption. I read a piece that was three pages and only in the last sentence of the last paragraph has been told anything about the fuel consumption. He said, "and the range was increased by about 30%."

Cruising range, known as most of us, miles per gallon, has taken a new and important role, as the price of gas has sky rocketed in recent years. Many people thought he would come back down, but that proved a mistake andcontinue if all indicators are correct.

I raised my first prototype in the second half of last century, made some changes to the basic design to make it more user friendly and added to our vehicles. possible water injection is too complicated and expensive to install, but justify the steam injection, if properly installed, and will take place. injection of water vapor has increased the MPG on all types of vehicles, ours and many others, increasing efficiency.More efficient combustion increases power and miles per gallon, the best of both worlds. But if the increased efficiency strictly for HP, you will realize the maximum benefit, if it comes to MPG. This is an example where a "or" is the rule.

Steam injection increases MPG and HP

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